We are leader in the management of diving centers all over the nation. We have a structure which pays attention to the high quality of the diving services.
Just outside of our diving center, we have reserved a pleasant recreational space with cafe and pub; here you can wait for your friends or relax after your diving. Our diving is equipped with a ARA station for recharging tanks and showers, a reserved area dedicated to cleaning and drying the equipment, a deposit with shelves and numbered tubs. If you don’t have your personal equipment, you can rent it at our diving center. All our equipment is of certified and professional profile, checked and periodically revised. As per the quality of the air, we periodically analyze it before the use in the systems of tube recharge. With great pleasure, La Cabaña can offer you diving services inside its tourist complex. Services are active every day, from July to September.
Il Ciccillo – It is an immersion that can give you beautiful meetings. It can indifferently be carried out from the beach -31 mt. or from the boat. It is an immersion on a parallel cut to the coastline, while the extent of the vault may vary from some centimeters to a meter.
I Cavallucci (Soverato) – It is an immersion of great environmental biological interest; it is an experience to try. The depth is low (- 8/12 mt); max safety, great emotions, avoiding to disturb the sea horses and taking into account that they are an endangered species in risk of extinction! You can dive starting from the beach or from boat.
La Madonnina – Easy immersion on a sandy fund of – 13/15 mt. It is set on the summit of the Ciccillo. You can dive starting from the beach or from boat.
La Galleria – Down into the blue deep up to -42 mt! It is a challenging immersion to be considered with all the cautions of the case. Once the immersion has begun and reached the blue deep, a wall of rock that seems to be shaped by the human hand becomes visible. Another experience to be noted on the logbook!
La fossa del Monaco (Soverato) – It is the immersion preferred by many scuba. The point is also reachable by swim; departure of our immersion at a quota – 16 mt; then you can descend down till the sand and reach the first group of rock-cliffs at about – 28 mt.
Torrazzo (Baia di Caminia) – An immersion to enjoy following the coastline between the Bay of Caminia and Copanello which is full of rocky walls on sandy backdrop. It is a thrilling experience to do either in the daytime or during the night, in safety because the backdrop does not overcome the – 15 mt. The immersion includes the famous tubs of Copanello (BLU70) placed near the Torrazzo; going ahead there are the Vasche di Cassiodoro, walls of rock that fall down on the sea. The maximum depth does not overcome 10 mt, so it can be enjoyed by eveybody in full safety, also by beginners.
Il Kingdom (Marineta) – The Kingdom or Marineta was a “hands coils” landed between Saint Caterina and Guardavalle. The ship, that transported iron in coils, got broken in two pieces during the shipwreck. The wreck is today with the bow at -6 mt. of depth. The stern is a few meters away from the rest of the ship, and has partly surfaced.
Capitan Antonio (Santa Caterina) – The Capitan Antonio is another beautiful enjoyable wreckage that can be visited by everybody, in safety. Leaned on a backdrop at – 12 mt of depth, it is divided in three parts. The stern and the bow are today still above the sea level. Considered the small depth, a complete turn of the wreckage can be carried out in full safety.
Cosala (Badolato) – The Cosala, according to many, is the most interesting wreckage in the zone. Its position and the challenging depth make this immersion the most required by the wreckages’ lovers and underwater photographers. After a descent in the deep blue, we can reach the amazing bow, slipped compared with the order of navigation and abandoned on the sandy backdrop at a quota -44 mt. The stern, separated by the rest of the wreckage, is a different immersion. The deepest part of the ship is at -55 mt.
Diving is easier than you can think. To understand what we mean we recommend you to take part to the program: Discover Scuba Diving. Under competent surveillance, you will have the possibility to dive in a world that will give you unforgettable emotions. Every brief theoretical lesson will end with an immersion in sea. You will try a pleasant emotion and you will discover that you are ready to complete the first footstep in your training PADI. You can simply choose among different specific courses according your personal characteristics: PADI SCUBA DIVER, OPEN WATER DIVER, DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING – Junior OPEN WATER DIVER – PADI SCUBA REVIEW – ADVENTURE DIVER – ADVANCED OPEN WATER DIVER – EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONSE – PADI RESCUE DIVER – MASTER SCUBA DIVER – DIVEMASTER.
All our courses include: theoretical lessons and immersions as per the PADI didactic, use of tubes, didactic material and expenses for the release of the brevet (Divemaster excluded ).
To enjoy the best emotions from a beautiful immersion, besides the interesting backdrop full of life, it is essential to use reliable and evolved equipment. For this reason and for your full safety, we can offer a wide park of updated equipment. All the equipment is periodically revised or renewed.
Complete equipment from rental: 15 Gavs, 15 complete octopus, manometers and depth gauges, 20 damp molts, fins masks and snorkels, rechargeable lamps and illuminators, balls of lifting of various dimensions, reels, compasses and other accessories.
Air tanks: 5 of lt.5; 10 of lt.10; 20 of lt.15; 5 of lt.18; 2 bi-tanks 12+12 and 15+15; several decompressive tanks for a total of over 50 available units.
Compressors: 1 Compressor Blankets MCH; 13 silenced and situated in special compressor noise reduced Room with forced cooling.